A very good way to practice your English listening could be podcasting. The web is now full of this very good audio invention for ESL learners. Why? It is a cheap and efficient way to listen to fresh content based English. You can listen to all these audio recording either in the way or by copying them all to your mp3/ipodcasting player in order to hear them while in the underground or by car in your way to work. The quality of sound is great in most cases and you could find them in many different accents, which is very recommended for you are tourism professionals to be in a very close future.
Here you are some suggestions for you to listen:
http://www.learnoutloud.com/Catalog/Travel (very practical in order to study unit 5, you will see why)
Open University ITunesU (You need to have Itunes software installed)
University of Oxford ITunes (Arts and Humanities)
Tourism, Travel, Geography and Education Podcasts (A very complete compilation of podcasts dealing different fields of tourism, including airplane topics, new destinies, travelling guides, etc.)
Idiotvox-tourism (assorted podcasts dealing with tourism fields, very focussed on education)
Let's talk tourism podcast (Dublin Institute of Technology. Good to revise topics dealing with unit 1)
You will find some of these and others in the right section of this blog.
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