By the way, take into account that answer sheets have changed this year. Write exactly the subject code that you will find in the header. Forget about the Faculty and Studies code.
Welcome to this space to practice English for Tourism I where not only UNED students are invited to participate but others.
The last ever service will take place on the 12th December at one minute to nine in the morning when the westbound route arrives in the Rhine city. The Venice Simplon-Orient Express will continue to run as normal with the 1920s rolling stock, which is only used for luxury private train routes from Calais via Paris to Venice. (...)http://news.carrentals.co.uk/the-orient-express-reaches-the-end-of-the-line-3428320.html
(...)The Orient Express in question isn't the train featured in Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express - that was the Simplon Orient Express, which went from Paris Gare de Lyon to Milan and beyond - or in Graham Greene's Stamboul Train, which was the Ostend-Vienna Orient Express, travelling via Brussels. No, this is the original "Express d'Orient", operated by the Belgian Georges Nagelmackers' Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits, which first set off from Paris's Gare de l'Est in October 1883, and ran between Paris and Giurgiu, a Romanian town on the Danube that had to be crossed by ferry, and whose passengers eventually reached Constantinople (as Istanbul was then known) by another train and a 14-hour sea voyage. (...)http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/holidays/holidays-by-rail/orient-express-end-of-the-line-443570.html
Drop us a line: what do you think of this articles? Have you heard about this? Did you know about The Venice Simplon-Orient Express?