Monday, May 11, 2009

"For travellers who are REALLY on a budget and are looking for a way to skim a few bucks off their travel expenses, why not consider sleeping in an airport? Why spend money on a night in the airport hotel when an inflatable raft on the airport floor is free? Sure it may sound a little hard-core at first, but read-on and you'll soon discover a travel community, that for 13 years has been sharing airport reviews, travel advice and "how-to" tips for the uninitiated airport sleeper. Your friends and family may look at you funny when you return with your airport stories, but as you'll read here and on our blog, that's only part of the fun.
So now, sit back....get out your travel itinerary and read the latest airport reviews. You'll soon discover which airports you can sleep in and those which you should avoid altogether during your next trip. Airport Hotels will soon be an expense of the past!
Whether you sleep in an airport by choice or get stranded due to some airline mess-up, let help you make your stay more enjoyable."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it's very interesting, because when you have to be in the airport early in the morning and you only used the hotel for 3-4 hours, sometimes is really a pity to pay for a hotel.
    And if you go with some friends I thinks that it is possible to sleep secure in some airorts, but I'm not sure that I'll used this "service".
