Friday, March 30, 2007

Are you familiar with Easter traditions and symbols?


Easter is the celebration Jesus Christ's return to life after his crucification. It is usually celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the first day of Spring. This can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. It is the most sacred of all the Christian holidays or celebrations.
A long time ago, people used to celebrate when Spring arrived. People used to believe that changes in seasons were guided by spirits or gods. The blooming of plants and flowers and animals coming out of their hibernation and the return of birds brought life back to the land. This new life in spring symbolizes the new life Christians gain because of Jesus's death on the cross and his resurrection or back to life again.
Lent is the forty days special season prior to Easter Sunday. Sundays are not counted because it is the Lord's Day and should be celebrated and therefore no fasting. Lent is a period of fasting or doing without certain foods, praying and repentance.
The Holy week is the last week of Lent. It begins with the observance of Palm Sunday. The name, Palm Sunday originated from Jesus's entry in Jerusalem.
Easter was called Pesach by early Christians. It is a Hebrew name for Passover. Today, the name for Easter in many cultures in Europe are similar to the word Pesah. For example :
France - Paques Spain - Pascua Italy - Pasqua Albania - Pashke Greece - Pascha Norway - Paaske Holland - Pasen Sweden - Pask
Find out about all the Easter symbols:
Easter egg, bonfires and candles, Easter lily, cross, Palm Easter bunny,
lamb, pretzels.
Foot washing, making an Easter tree, Easter egg hunting, Easter egg rolling.



  1. In my mother's village, Easter traditions are conserved. On fridays meat is not eaten, and on Holy Friday everybody eats vegetable stew and cod. Children rolls de Easter egg and an orange in a meadow. These eggs are dyed with a root called "rubia". And everybody go to the processions. They are very religious.

  2. In my country the easter traditions are a little bit different from spain. i am czech, so in the czech republic what we do at easter is, during the weekend every family dyes eggs. there are many different ways, using different plants or vegetables to give the eggs colours,for example onion skin for light brown etc...little leaves of plants are used to decorate the eggs, sometimes people use wax of different colours to paint them etc. also a special cake is made. the cake usually has a shape of a little lamb. also there is a saying that on monday people should wear something new = shoes, clothes...all the houses are decorated with spring flowers and something green, some people plant grass in the flower pots and then they decorate it with these coloured eggs, eastern rabbits, little lambs , hen...etc...
    Men, especially in the villages, go to look for a weaping willow tree to the bank of a local brook or little river and cut some thin little branches. then they make of them a long stick = joining them together and on monday groups of friends go round the houses, trying to find women and try to hit them with this stick. each man then gets a ribbon from each woman to decorate it, then one painted egg and usually a little glass of some kind of home made spirit ...all that hapenning till midday, after midday women have a right to defend themselves and since that time, every man who tries to catch her and beat her with the stick must be careful, because he could easily get a cold shower from the bucket full of water, that is there prepared for the late visitors who come after midday.....
    so, that is easter in my country ,a little bit different from spain, isn`t it?
